Commercial coffee makers are the most common types of coffee maker found in office buildings and homes. They make your daily cup of coffee fresh and hot. Some home models can be folded for easy storage and portability. The following are some common problems with commercial coffee machines.
Hard Water Build-up. Hard water can build up in your commercial coffee machines over time. Depending on use, commercial coffee machines could last up to fifteen years without any problem. However, if you use the commercial coffee machine every day, more than likely it would break down within a few months. Keeping it clean would help extend its shelf life so you don't have to buy a new one every year.
Clogged Pods. Clogged pods can also affect commercial coffee machines, causing them to have less productivity for you as well as your employees. To avoid having to replace your machines every few months, regularly clean the pods before use and change them out often.
High-Volume Coffee. Commercial coffee machines that are used for a high-volume production may experience a hardening effect. In other words, they won't brew as much coffee as the machine is capable of producing at the current settings. Hot water in the commercial coffee machines would cause the glass carafe to develop small cracks. This means less acidic contents in the water which would result in a better-tasting cup of coffee. Making adjustments to the settings while running the machine could solve this problem.
Clogged Drip Cups. Another issue with commercial coffee machines is that the drip cups inside can build up with oil, latex, or grease. These factors make it harder for the water to reach all parts of the coffee machine thus preventing the carafe from working properly.
These are some of the common problems that commercial coffee machines encounter but if you notice that none of these is the problem then it's probably time to call for a replacement. Every office coffee machine has its own set of standard operations and specifications. It's very important that you familiarize yourself with how it works and learn how to properly maintain it so that it continues to deliver high quality products every day. For any problems with your machine, be sure to let your local technician know so that it can be fixed right away. A simple thing like a clogged carafe can be the start of a big problem if it is not fixed by a professional. Check out this post that has expounded more on the topic: